For an explanation of techical terms, follow the links or see A Layman's Guide to Technical Terms or pH Explained.
Products are recommended either on the basis of the author's personal experience of using them, or from consistently good reports from pool centres handling them. Although brand names must of necessity be used to identify these products, I disavow any commercial motivation, and this is the only page on the site where reference is made to brand names.
The flags denote whether the recommended products are available in both the UK and the USA
Kleen Pool is an algicide which the manufacturers say will kill green, mustard and black algae and last for 6 months. Reports from the pool centres confirm that it is an effective preventative though I have heard no independent confirmation for the manufacturer's claim that reduces the demand for sanitisers such as chlorine.
Described as a cupric hydroxy acid complex, the dose rate is 2.5 litres per 11,000 gallons, so you may need several of the 1 litre bottles.
As with all copper based algicides, you should ensure that concentrations of copper are not too high. In particular, high levels of copper and cyanuric acid (stabiliser) can lead to purple coloured deposits on pool surfaces and fittings.
This is a multi-function sanitiser consisting of fine grade stabilised chlorine granules plus algicide and clarifier added at low levels of concentration. As you dose the pool with chlorine, you automatically add a small amount of algicide and clarifier. By mid-summer, when pools are more likely to go green, the additions of algicide should have built up to a level where they can provide an effective second line of defence against algae.
The thinking behind this concept is that there can be circumstances where chlorine alone cannot give adequate protection against algae - because, for instance, the pH might be too high or too low, stabiliser levels might be too high or pool owners may have lost interest in periods of bad weather and allowed chlorine levels to fall too low. In these circumstances, the added algicide reduces the risk of algae infestation.
Although a modified version of this product was first introduced to the market three years ago, your pool centre may not necessarily carry it as a stock item. Nothing to suggest it does not live up to the manufacturers claims for it, and keeping additions of algicide small is a good idea. It costs about 5% more than standard stabilised chlorine granules which is much cheaper than buying chlorine and algicide separately.
These tablets are trichlor + algicide + water clarifier + superboost - in other words its a four in one concept.
The product was only launched in the UK in 1996, and it is too early for any feedback. The only obvious shortcoming is that the superboost (superchlorination) is achieved with an effervescent tablet made from stabilised chlorine and this means that stabiliser levels are also being increased faster than if a non-stabilised shock doser was being used. Also, compared to conventional trichlor tablets, Multilong is quite expensive.
This apart, its a neat idea and there should be enough reports back from the field to form a consensus before too long.
This is a blue coloured, dual action liquid clarifier sold in 1 litre bottles. It works (a) by clumping small suspended particles together by attracting negatives to positives so that the aggregate which is formed is big enough to be trapped out of the water as it passes through the filter. It also (b) contains a micro-biocide i.e. an ingredient helping the chlorine kill micro-organisms which could otherwise make the water go hazy.
The advantages of this over conventional aluminium sulphate based water clarifiers is that you pour it directly into the pool and it starts work immediately. The rubbish is trapped out on the filter (so watch filter pressures), not on the floor of your pool, so there is no vacuuming to be done. Finally, it does not contain any sulphates - so no risk to grouting in a mosaic or tiled pool. It works very well in a pool which has been purged of algae, but which remains obstinately turbid.
The claim that it reduces demand for chlorine sanitiser has never been quantified or independently verified, but seems plausible in theory.
Pool Bright & Clear has been around for a long time and is both a brand leader and a firm favourite with the pool shops which is a commendation in its own right. It is a liquid clarifier and it is probably formulated along much the same lines as Fi-Clear and with the same advantages - easy to dose, no sulphates being added, no mess on the bottom of the pool to be vacuumed out.
Super Sock It, now available in the UK under the brand name Fi-Clor Superfast Shock (or in small 350g single-shot packs as Fi-Clor Superchlorinator) is a patented, new generation calcium hypochlorite which contains 78% available chlorine (the conventional calcium hypochlorite contains 65%) and is rapid dissolving. When originally tested in the hardest water area in England it worked well, dissolving completely before reaching the bottom of the pool and killing algae rapidly.
The benefit of using this as a means of superchlorinating or shock dosing is that it is 'stabiliser-free', thus helping to avoid so-called chlorine lock. It is much less bulky than sodium hypochlorite (and therefore easier to dose), does not lose strength in storage and does not pose the same problems in raising levels of total dissolved solids (TDS).
WARNING: Do not mix with other forms of chlorine before dosing and do not dose via the skimmer.
This is sold in 2 litre bottles and is formulated with chelated copper and a polymeric quarternary ammonium biocide. It really does seem to keep the pool free from algae for an entire winter when it has been shut down at the end of the season.
What impresses me most is that I hear nothing but good reports from those pool centres that sell the product - it seems to produce consistently good results. The only slight worry at the back of my mind is what it might be doing to those copper levels, but this need not be too much of a concern if there is adequate water replacement prior to recommissioning.
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